Monday, October 24, 2016

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Goa Jomblang Yogyakarta

Cave is a vertical cave with ancient forests meeting at its base. A 300 m along a hallway decorated with a beautiful cave ornaments will bring you to the bed, where can see the light of heaven.

Cave was one of hundreds of complex caves Gunungkidul known for their uniqueness and beauty is undeniable. Located in karst hills span the southern coast stretching from Gombong, Central Java, to the Mountainous karst area Sewu, Pacitan, East Java, Cave ever for shooting Amazing Race America in 2011. The vertical Cave of type collapse doline is formed by geological processes amblesnya the ground with vegetation that is on top of it to the base of the Earth that happened thousands of years ago. This debris forms a sinkhole or wells with an area of the mouth of the cave about 50 square meters. In the Java language sumuran also known as luweng, to this cave often called by the name Luweng Jomblang.

Jomblang caves of Gunung Kidul turned out to have a very dark history stories. During the years 1970-1980 's, the cave was used for the location of the mass killings of members of the PKI. Hundreds of members of the PKI estimated met his end in the Jomblang cave. According to the story, they group lined up at the lip of the cave with the hand mutually bound to one another. When one of the pinned down until it fell into the cave so other members will all join the fall. This story got scared locals plus more haunted stories about goa times. Told of the existence of the missing explorers also in the cave. In the 1990s the communities surrounding the cave of deploying common prayer in the cave. Since then, there's no story or event again missing cave explorers swallowed Goa Jomblang Gunung Kidul.

For those unfamiliar, the path used to reach the base of the cave will be very tiring. Plus more spooky stories about the cave of explorers who once entered, will probably make the browser feel trepidation before entering the cave. But so went into it all the feelings that interfere with previously will be replaced by the beauty of the Caves of Jomblang.

While on the base of the cave, we can find some plant thrives on Karst wall exuberantly overgrown shrubs. After reaching base, explorers can rest on a bed of nature. Subsequent explorers can continue down the hallway which connects goa Jomblang with vertical cave named Cave of the bed. Hallway connecting two goa are quite wide with a length of approximately 500 metres. For those down the aisle can easily pass as there are footpaths that are formed of rocks arranged lengthwise. But explorers need to be careful because the roads are very slippery because the air in humid caves.

After arriving at the other end of the Hall which is the bottom of the bed caves, cavers could see incredible beauty. There are two sufficiently large stalagmites are green brown stands tall in the middle of the base of the cave of the bed. When the Explorer can reach the base of the bed caves right 13.00 will be able to see exotic sights of sunshine that breaks into the dark cave to the base of the bed. Sunlight also touched on a number of stalagtit and stalagmites formed of droplets of water for thousands of years.

There is a flow of the river name is derived from the Challenging lies on the side of the North of the huge stalagmites. The browser can use the inflatable boat at the time of the dry season to trace the line of the river. The flow of the river connects the base of the bed cave with several other caves in the karst mountainous regions. In the rainy season the river passable profusely so advised not to try tracing the River because it is very dangerous.

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